About Me

In the dynamic realm of IT development, where lines of code form digital worlds, I am a visionary architect. Yet, beyond the digital confines, lies a realm where clay and resin merge to create tangible beauty. This is the captivating tale of my journey—a tech-savvy dreamer whose passion for art knows no bounds, leading me towards a new horizon.

Early Days and Diverging Paths:
From a young age, I displayed a natural talent for technology, immersing myself in programming and development. Graduating with honors in Computer Science from University of Mumbai, India, I embarked on a promising career in the vibrant city of Ontario(Toronto), where innovation thrived. However, amidst the glow of screens, a quiet yearning stirred within me—a desire for a more hands-on form of expression.

Discovering Clay and Resin:
A chance encounter with clay sparked my artistic journey. What began as a hobby soon evolved into a passion as I delved deeper into sculptural artistry. Experimenting with resin added a luminous quality to my creations, captivating the imagination and infusing my work with ethereal beauty.

Balancing Two Worlds:
As my expertise in IT development grew, so too did my commitment to artistic endeavors. Nights and weekends became sacred times of creation as I meticulously molded and sculpted, finding solace and joy in the tangible world of clay and resin.

Embracing the Journey Ahead:
Armed with a deep reverence for both the digital and the tangible, I embark on a new chapter in my artistic odyssey. With each stroke of clay and resin, I redefine the boundaries of creativity, bridging the gap between technology and tradition. My journey serves as a reminder that it is never too late to pursue one's passions and carve out a path to fulfillment.

In a world that often seeks to compartmentalize, I stand as a beacon of inspiration, proving that true fulfillment lies in following one's heart. As I forge ahead into the unknown, I remind myself of the transformative power of passion and purpose. With every creation, I craft dreams into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the world of art and technology alike.

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